House sitting 
near lake Chapala 
12 Oct- 21 March 2023

We are a couple in 40-s, from Estonia. With European work ethics and preciseness, and with kind and friendly souls. We love animals - we have 2 cats and have also had dogs previously. Triin has worked with horses for 10 years when younger. Mexico saved Triin's life with stem cell treatment! We need to come back for more treatments and want to offer you looking after your house and pets in this time! We are available either for the whole time or a portion of this time frame.
Check our video below

Our experiences with animals

We have experiences with different animals - cats, dogs, horses, turtles, rats, hampsters and so on :) We love them all!

We love cats!

Cats have sneaked their way to our hearts. It started with Indigo, who we offered a temporary rescue home after she was found on streets with two kitties. We nurtured the kitties to vital tigers and we managed to gain Indigo's trust. But something happened to her health and she started vomiting, loosing weight and fur. We couldn´t give her to new owners before we found a way to heal her!

Well it came out it took more than a year of doctors visits, blood tests, x-rays, different food trials, trying and tweaking all kinds of natural supplements etc. What finally did the trick was raw food that we made our own and from very special meats, plus letting her into a lush and exciting garden. She enjoyed time there so much and probably her nervous system was happy about it and it calmed down disease processes. Now she is a happy and healthy cat living in the same garden she loves so much!

Right now we have two cats on our own - Püü and Macroon. Macroon has a happy-go-lucky attitude, never afraid of anything and always ready for adventure. Püü is careful and contemplating before any new activities. We love them to bits!


When Triin was living with her parents, they had a big dog who was a mixture of Neufoundland dog and god knows who else :) His name was Josper. Triin spent her days with him, hanging around in the small town with this huge black dog. They often bicycled together and explored the nature around the village. She had a special connection with this loving soul. 

Rauno hasn´t had dogs on his own but loves all animals. He is empathetic and always wants to make sure everybody in the house is treated well and feels safe and happy :)  

Triin´s younger life revolved around horses

Triin has been in love with horses since she was 13 years old. For ten years her life went by living in stables. She got a good training and specialized in dressage - it´s like dancing with horses. 

There was an opportunity to get training free of charge but it included doing a lot of work at the stables. So taking care of horses in nothing new to her. 

At the moment, due to her health situation and being fragile, she cannot do heavy excersise. Only physically easier things. 

We both had small animals as friends when we were kids

Triin and Rauno both had smaller animals when they were little. 

Triin had many hampsters, guinea pigs, and rats, being very fond of her little friends. Later on she had two turtles who were extremely interesting and contrary to usual beliefs, very quick! 

Rauno also had hampsters and rats when he was little. He appreciated and loved those little animals!   

We take care of your property

We care about your house 
and property 

We are clean and organized and we will live in your house like in our own!

We solve problems

In case something happens, we can handle the situations. Triin speaks some spanish and has spanish speaking friends in Ajijic, so we can find help if anything needs to be done. We are both resourceful :)


We gladly take care of your plants and keep them healthy

Driver´s license

We both have a driver´s license, if that is needed.

Our story

Mexico gave Triin her life back with stem cell treatment!

House sitting opportunity would help us to get more treatment!
In 2020 Triin suffered a severe neurological/brain injury from a chemical substance. She was fighting for her life for 3 years, in very critical condition, affecting her sleep, energy, brain executive function (not affecting intelligence thankfully), and a causing a lot of torturous neurological symptoms. She was 100% dysfunctional and Rauno had to take a role of caretaker for her. In 2022 they bought a hyperbaric oxygen chamber and this saved Triin's life, slowly starting to bring her out of the most extreme condition. In 10 months she got to a place where she was able to travel to Mexico. Here in Ajijic she received stem cell treatment from respected and beloved doctor Justina Jimenez Lopez. After 6 months Triin was in a lot better condition - symptoms are much better and she is able to work a little and even go to salsa dance parties! The recovery is not complete though and she needs to repeat the treatment to regain more health back and be able to live full life again!

Our background

You can take a look at our proffessional background

Rauno Gordon

Rauno worked in University for 20 years - first as a science researcher and lecturer, and last 7 years he was leading a space satellite building program. During last year he has been working on a space technology startup company he founded. 
LinkedIn profile

Triin Ülesoo

Triin has worked in marketing and health related fields all her life. She used to work in National Institute for Health Development and do marketing campaigns against alcohol misuse. Currently she is trying to start a business helping people with hyperbaric oxygen, that gave her so much health back.  
LinkedIn profile


Here are the contacts of people who know Triin and Rauno in Mexico and can give you reference about them

Justina Jimenez Lopez

Stem cell doctor who treated Triin and Rauno
I know Triin for 2 years, I am treating her with stem cells for difficult health condition. She is very optimistic and even with her health issues she always has a smile on her face. I want to recommend her in this new adventure, I am very sure she will do fantastic job.

Whatsapp: +52 33 1092 8292

Shannon Smith

Rented a casita for Triin and Rauno and lived in the same house
Triin and Rauno rented my casita from December 2022 to April 2023. Normally I only rent to a single female and only long term. However Triin was so lovely that I agreed to rent to them and they were so appreciative of the garden and pool. They were very responsible, I never heard them and never knew if they were home or not. They didn't have any parties nor have a lot of people over. Both Triin and Rauno were very polite and respectful. I have an older dog with kidney problems and they made sure to never give him any people food nor leave any food or trash around where he could get it and they never left the gate open so he couldn't get out. I gave them 100% of their deposit back as there was no damage.

Landline: +52 376 766 1489

Olivia Romi

Rented a room for Triin in Ajijic
I rented a room for Triin in Ajijic and she was a perfect roommate. She was clean and tidy, helped feed and take care of my cat, watered my plants, and was quiet and respectful. She has a beautiful soul and demeanour, I would definitely recommend her as either a renter or house sitter. She will definitely go above and beyond to take care of your pets and home like they’re her own.

Whatsapp: +52 33 2626 6240

Katya Tripp

Owns Casa Aurora AirBnb  

I run a small air bnb rental in Ajijic and have known Triin to be very reliable, punctual, organized and tidy. I would recommend her to any other home owners to care for their home and pets as she brings great heart and caring to all that she does.

Whatsapp: +1 503 502 3815

Our needs in house sitting

We need internet connection, because we work over the internet. We would prefer longer stay in one house. We need to have public transportation connection to Ajijic to go to treatments. Working desk and chair is a bonus. 

Contact us


Skype name: trinc_

Some pictures of us

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